astrology houses

Plan and predict how the Cosmos is affecting you personally.


Welcome to the world of Astrology! In this training you will discover how ALL the Astrological transits I talk about in my Astro Reports (New & Full Moons, Eclipses, Mercury Retrogrades etc) are affecting you personally!

Once you know what area of life (house) an aspect is happening in you are then able to plan, prepare and capatalise on this sacred information.

Knowing this will help you navigate challenging energies up ahead but also help you take advantage of the more prosperous ones.

Tiff x


Are you new to astrology?

If you are new to astrology then Start here

We will discuss in this video:

What is Astrology & What is a Birth Chart?

Lets go over the basics

We will brefly discuss in this video:

The 12 Zodiac Signs

The 8 Planets

The 12 houses

What you will need for this training:

  • The houses guide

    Download your guide to the houses in Astrology here. Inside you will find all 12 houses explained plus a handy cheat sheet for easy reference.

  • Get your birth chart

    If you havent already got your birth chart, click below to get it. You will want to reference it during the training.


let’s head over to the chart! (5.20)