parenting by the moon sign - awakened motherhood
Discover the best way to nurture and parent your child through their unique Astrological Moon sign.
As Mothers, when we learn and understand our Childs Moon sign and it’s qualities, we are given an insight into how our children want to feel nurtured and how we can best bring them back into balanced.
what’s included:
How to unlock your child’s or children’s Birth Chart & Moon sign energy in a simple step by step way.
Discover your Child’s temperament and gain a deeper insight into who they are as a person
Can be used multiple times, for each of your children
Understand how your child is likely to act when stressed and out of balance.
Learn how you can best bring your child back into a state of love and calm, in a way that felt by deeply by them.
Awakened Motherhood parenting tips and advice to support your New Earth child.
You can use ‘Parenting by the Moon Sign’ multiple times, with all your children.
$27.00 AUD
24 page digital product.

Month by month you’ll be guided by the cosmic energy.
That’s important stuff to know as a Soulprenure running your business in alignment and flow!